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Bücher von A Herod

Andrew Herod is Professor of Geography, Adjunct Professor of International Affairs, and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, at the University of Georgia, USA. He has written widely on issues of globalization and labour politics. His books include The Dirty Work of Neoliberalism: Cleaners in the Global Economy (with Luis Aguiar) (Blackwell, 2006), Geographies of Power: Placing Scale (with Melissa Wright) (Blackwell, 2002), Labor Geographies: Workers and the Landscapes of Capitalism (2001), Organizing the Landscape: Geographical Perspectives on Labor Unionism (1998), and An Unruly World? Globalization, Governance and Geography (with Gearoid O Tuathail, and Susan Roberts) (1998). He is also an elected official, being a member of the government of Athens-Clarke County, Georgia.

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