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Bücher von Abraham H. Maslow

The late ABRAHAM H. MASLOW is the most widely renowned expert on human behavior and motivation. His books are acknowledged as standards in the psychology literature worldwide. DEBORAH C. STEPHENS, cofounder, The Center for Innovative Leadership, is an author, educator, and management consultant in the areas of customer service, leadership, and organizational development. She is coauthor of One Size Fits One: Building Relationships One Customer and One Employee at a Time and Executive Producer of "Leadership Lessons From the Fast Lane," a monthly Internet broadcast which highlights leaders from organizations and institutions worldwide. GARY HEIL is an educator, business consultant, and expert on leadership, service quality, and change management. Founder of the Center for Innovative Leadership, Hell is a highly regarded speaker and frequent commentator on American and Australian radio and television. In addition, Hell has served on the Board of Examiners for The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award and is coauthor of Leadership and the Customer Revolution and One Size Fits One: Building Relationships One Customer and One Employee at a Time.