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Bücher von Almudena Hernando

Almudena Hernando is a Professor at the Department of Prehistory and a member of the Institute of Feminist Research at the Complutense University, Madrid. Her research focuses on the theoretical basis underlying identity construction, with special attention to oral societies and women in the Western World. She has carried out field work among the horticulturalists Q'eqchi (Guatemala) and the hunter-gatherers Awa (Amazonas, Brazil), and currently she is developing a research project among the hoe agriculturalists Gumuz and Dats'in from Ethiopia. She has been invited as a researcher in the Universities of California (Los Angeles and Berkeley), Chicago and Harvard. She has written several books as "Los primeros agricultores de la Peninsula Iberica" (Ed. Sintesis) o "Arqueologia de la Identidad" (Akal), and she has coedited and participated in others as "La construccion de la subjetividad femenina" (Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas, Madrid), "?Desean las mujeres el poder? Cinco reflexiones en torno a un deseo conflictivo" (Minerva) o "Mujeres, hombres, poder. Subjetividade en conflicto" (Traficantes de Suenos).

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