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Bücher von Anthony Edwards (Solicitor, Solicitor, TV Edwards)

Anthony Edwards is Senior Partner of T.V. Edwards, a duty solicitor, a supervisor for the specialist fraud panel and a higher courts advocate (Criminal Courts). He has served at almost every level of committee in the criminal justice system and is currently a member of the Council of Justice, of the editorial boards of Criminal Law Review and Cordery on Solicitors and a member of the Law Commission's advisory group on criminal law. He has authored Advising a Suspect in the Police Station (Thomson Reuters: Sweet and Maxwell) and, (with Roger Ede) of Criminal Defence, A Guide to Good Practice (Law Society). He writes the Criminal Law Update for the Law Society's Gazette and his articles have appeared in Archbold News and Criminal Law Review. He is also a co-author of the forthcoming Blackstone's Youth Court Handbook (with Mark Ashford and Naomi Redhouse). He is also one of the country's leading trainers in criminal law.

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