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Bücher von Arthur G. Credland

Arthur Credland was born and educated in Hull and took a degree in Natural Sciences at UCW Aberystwyth before joining the museum profession. He retired, after 40 years' service, as curator of the Hull Maritime Museum where the his special areas of interest were whales and whaling, the Hull fishing trade ,and the long tradition of marine painting in the city. He is currently chairman and editor for the East Yorkshire Local History Society. It was the intention of writing a short article for the Society's Journal, in anticipation of the centenary of the start of the 1914-18 war which led to the present volume.
Whales and Whaling von Arthur G. Credland
Whales and WhalingArthur G. Credland
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Marine Painting in Hull von Arthur G. Credland
Marine Painting in HullArthur G. Credland
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The Wilson Line von Arthur G. Credland
The Wilson LineArthur G. Credland
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The Hull Whaling Trade von Arthur G. Credland
The Hull Whaling TradeArthur G. Credland
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Hull (Hessle Road) 1928 von Arthur G. Credland
Hull (Hessle Road) 1928Arthur G. Credland
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Fishing from the Humber von Arthur G. Credland
Fishing from the HumberArthur G. Credland
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Hull East 1928 von Arthur G. Credland
Hull East 1928Arthur G. Credland
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