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Bücher von Azadeh Moaveni (Senior Gender Analyst, International Crisis Group and Lecturer in Journalism, NYU in London)

Azadeh Moaveni is a journalist, writer and academic, who has been covering the the Middle East for nearly two decades. She started reporting in Cairo in 1999 while on a Fulbright fellowship, and worked across the region for the next several years, covering Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. Her work has focused throughout on how women and girls are impacted by political instability and conflict, as well as the interplay between militarism, Islamism and women's social status and rights. A Pulitzer finalist, she is the author of Lipstick Jihad, Honeymoon in Tehran, and co-author, with Iranian Nobel Peace Laurate Shirin Ebadi, of Iran Awakening, which has been translated into over forty languages. She writes for the London Review of Books, TheGuardian, and The New York Times, among other publications. She is Director of the Project for Gender and Conflict at the International Crisis Group and Lecturer in Journalism at New York University, London.