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Bücher von Carol Brown

Carol Brown has more than fifteen years of experience writing dozens of books and user manuals, online Help systems from the traditional to the revolutionary, training materials both computer-based and in print, and user interfaces from buttons to wizards. Before that she wrote the first guides to eating on the cheap in Seattle, served as a management and organizational consultant, taught high school math and science, created wearable art, and traveled the world. Jennifer Angier has fifteen years' experience writing and editing for training, technical, marketing, and employee communications purposes. For six of those years, she has specialized in creating online and print materials about technical subjects for non-technical audiences. Ms. Angier was editor for Microsoft Outlook 2000 Step by Step. Nanette J. Eaton is an award-winning software writer and author of Microsoft Visio 2002 Inside Out and Microsoft Works 2001 Step by Step, published by Microsoft Press. Formerly a managing Web editor and senior technical writer at Visio, she has written more than 20 user manuals and programmer guides. Lori Schultz Goff is a Seattle-based technical writer with more than ten years of software industry experience. She began her career writing training manuals for Microsoft developers. A former senior online help developer at Visio, she has written award-winning documentation about Visio products for eight years. Judy Lemke has more than seven years' experience writing about and working with Microsoft Visio products. During this time, she has written Visio end-user documentation, developer documentation, and award-winning training materials.