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Bücher von Charles Klein

Charles Klein is managing partner of Amcon Marketing Strategy International, a research, consulting and training company focused on assisting non-US companies with US business development. His consulting assignment include:

  • Conduction US market studies for non-US companies in a wide range of industries and product categories;

  • Managing and implementing competitive intelligence projects;

  • Assisting non-US companies in the development of their US marketing strategy;

  • Negotiating with US marketing partners, reps and distributors on behalf on non-US companies;

  • Establishing US sales offices for non-US firms;

  • Recruiting marketing and sales executives in the USA

  • Writing articles on marketing topics for publications worldwide including Competitive Intelligence magazine, Marketing News, IMC Communicator, FID News Magazine, Business and Competitive Intelligence, Knowledge Management and a monthly column in The Exporter newspaper.

He has also developed a series of successful training seminars about US marketing which have been presented to hundreds of non-US managers. Topics include:
  • Secondary Market Research in the USA and how to Avoid "Net Disease";
  • Primary Market Research in the USA;
  • Finding Business Information on US Corporations;
  • Establishing US Sales Offices and Subsidiaries;
  • Recruiting US Marketing and Sales Managers;
  • Selling in the US Market via Reps (independent manufacturers' representatives);
  • How to identify, Contact, Recruit and Succeed with US Marketing partners;
  • Working with US journalists as a Tool in Competitive Intelligence.

Born and raised in Chicago, Charles Klein spent many years in marketing and management positions at General Electric Company in the US where he won numerous awards for outstanding performance. He has also held a management position at Newark Electronics Inc. in Chicago, a market leader in electronic components and industrial parts. He spent six years as a senior marketing consultant to an export trade promotion organization, conducting and managing US marketing projects and training events in a wide range of industries. He established his own consulting company in 1991. He holds a BSc in business administration and a MSc in Marketing from Roosevelt University in Chicago.