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Bücher von Debbie Thompson Silver

Learn more about Debbie Silver's PD offerings Debbie Silver is truly a "teacher's teacher!" She is a former science teacher and an award-winning educator with 30 years experience as a classroom teacher, staff development instructor, and university professor. Her numerous recognitions include being named the 1990 Louisiana State Teacher of the Year and the 2007 Distinguished Alumnus from the College of Education at Louisiana Tech University. Along the way she has taught almost every grade level and most every kind of student. Debbie is one of the most popular keynoters and professional development presenters in the United States. Audiences everywhere respond to her use of humor and sensitivity to remind them of how important teachers are in the lives of children. Her insights into student and teacher behavior are extraordinary. Through research-based theory, poignant stories, and hilarious characterizations she connects with the souls of all who are involved in education. Dr. Silver has been an invited author for several educational journals and has given keynotes at state, national, and international conferences in 49 states, throughout Canada, Europe, Mexico, the Middle East, and Asia. Debbie is the author of the bestselling book, Drumming to the Beat of Different Marchers: Finding the Rhythm for Differentiated Learning. She is a co-author of Because You Teach and Middle School Matters. Songs she co-wrote with Monte Selby are featured on his latest cds. She and her husband, Dr. Lawrence Silver, have five grown sons, three daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren (so far). They live with two dogs in Melissa, Texas. Debbie can be reached through her website: www.debbiesilver.com Dedra Stafford is a dedicated consultant and a proud member of the Association of Middle Level Education and National Association of Secondary School Principals Speakers Cadres. She is an Educational Speaker and has presented at international, national, state, and local conferences across the nation including NMSA (National Middle School Association) sharing inspirational ideas, from technology to school climate. Dedra is passionate about providing quality staff development for educators. She an internationally known speaker, trainer and author in the educational world. Dedra creates entertaining workshops that get crowds energized, motivated, and inspired to be their 'best' for the students they serve. As a former classroom teacher, she understands the need for professional development where practical ideas can be implemented immediately into the classroom. She creates fun-filled workshops designed to be hands-on and interactive. Dedra has a unique ability to put educators at ease as she teaches concepts and beliefs incorporated with humor in a user friendly way. She speaks on the topics of about technology, climate, curriculum, and classroom techniques resulting in her audience laughing, learning, and having new enthusiasm for their work.

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