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Bücher von Doreit S. Bialer

Doreit S. Bialer, MA, OT R/L is a nationally recognised occupational therapist with over 20 years of experience working with SPD in children and adolescents. She is certified in Neurodevelopmental Therapy in Paediatrics and in the administration and interpretation of the Sensory Integration and Praxis tests. Ms. Bialer is an independent contractor in multiple public schools and has a large private practice and sensory integration clinic with a focus on pre-school and school-age children. She was the director of one of Long Island's first sensory integration gyms, has been a consultant to school districts, and developed a Vestibular Rehabilitation Clinic in association with New York University Hospital. Ms. Bialer served as a National consultant to HealthSouth mentoring other health professionals to develop paediatric practices across the country.

She has published articles on Fragile X Syndrome and Vestibular Rehabilitation, is the author of Current, Best Strategies to Help Occupational Therapists Support Students and Become Integral School Team Members, and has lectured and provided numerous clinical workshops on Sensory Integration, Handwriting, and on School Based Therapy.

Ms. Bialer received an Advanced Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy from New York University and has been an adjunct instructor in Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology at New York University and at York College.

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