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Bücher von Emma Kay

Emma is a post-graduate historian and former senior museum worker. Now, food historian, author and prolific collector of Kitchenalia, with numerous books to her name, she lives in the Cotswolds with her husband and young son. Her articles have appeared in publications including BBC History Magazine, The Daily Express, Daily Mail and Times Literary Supplement. She has contributed historic food research for a number of television production companies and featured several times on Talk Radio Europe, BBC Hereford and Worcester and LifeFM. Emma has appeared in a ten-part series for the BBC and Hungry Gap Productions - ' The Best Christmas Food Ever' - and on BBC Countryfile, co-presenting a feature exploring the heritage of the black pear. Emma founded the Museum of Kitchenalia in 2012 (www.museumofkitchenalia.co.uk).
Foots, Lonks and Wet Nellies von Emma Kay
Foots, Lonks and Wet NelliesEmma Kay
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Fodder & Drincan von Emma Kay
Fodder & DrincanEmma Kay
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Dining with the Victorians von Emma Kay
Dining with the VictoriansEmma Kay
The Georgian Kitchen von Emma Kay
The Georgian KitchenEmma Kay
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Stinking Bishops and Spotty Pigs von Emma Kay
Stinking Bishops and Spotty PigsEmma Kay
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Dining with the Victorians von Emma Kay
Dining with the VictoriansEmma Kay
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Vintage Kitchenalia von Emma Kay
Vintage KitchenaliaEmma Kay
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More Than a Sauce von Emma Kay
More Than a SauceEmma Kay
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