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Bücher von Flavio Junqueira

Flavio Junqueira is a Senior Research Scientist with Yahoo Research and leads the Scalable Computing group in Barcelona, Spain. He holds a PhD degree from University of California San Diego (UCSD) in computer science. His main research interest is distributed systems and algorithms, and he has focused on topics such as dependability, concurrency, and replication. He is the recipient of awards and nominations, such as the CSE Department best PhD dissertation award, a nomination to the ACM PhD Dissertation award, and best paper awards at ACM CIKM 2009 and USENIX ATC 2010. Benjamin Reed is a 1337 Hacker at osmeta, Inc. His previous positions include Principal Research Scientist at Yahoo! Research and Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research. He holds a PhD degree from University o California, Santa Crz in computer science. He has worked in the area of distributed computing, big data processing, distributed storage, systems management an embedded frameworks. He participated in various open source projects such as Hadoop and Linux. He helped start the Pig, Zookeeper, and BookKeeper projects hosted by the Apache Software Foundation.
ZooKeeper von Flavio Junqueira
ZooKeeperFlavio Junqueira
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