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Bücher von Gennaro Auletta (Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana)

Gennaro Auletta is Scientific Director of Science and Philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. His main areas of research are quantum mechanics, logic, cognitive sciences, information theory and applications to biological systems. Mauro Fortunato is a Structurer at Cassa depositi e prestiti S.p.A., Rome. He is involved in financial engineering, applying mathematical methods of quantum physics to the pricing of complex financial derivatives and the construction of structured products. Giorgio Parisi is Professor of Quantum Theories at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'. He has won several prizes, notably the Boltzmann Medal, the Dirac Medal and Prize, and the Daniel Heineman prize. His main research activity deals with elementary particles, theory of phase transitions and statistical mechanics, disordered systems, computers and very large scale simulations, non-equilibrium statistical physics, optimization and animal behaviour.

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