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Bücher von Geoff Brandwood

Geoff Brandwood has a PhD in architectural history and a special interest in the Victorian age. He was Chairman of the Victorian Society from 2001-2007. Horrified by the wholesale disappearance of historic pub interiors in recent years, he is part of CAMRA's Pub Heritage Group which identifies and seeks greater recognition for the treasures we have left. He is co-author of English Heritage's best-selling Licensed to Sell: The History and Heritage of the Public House (2004). Jane Jephcote's interest in London's historic pub interiors began in 1991 when she joined CAMRA's London Pubs Group of which she is now Chair. The Group promotes the preservation of London's pub heritage and good pub design. Jane organises and leads crawls of pubs with interiors of note all over Greater London and was co-author with Geoff Brandwood of The CAMRA Regional Inventory for London: Pub Interiors of Special Historic Interest (2004).
Licensed to Sell von Geoff Brandwood
Licensed to SellGeoff Brandwood
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Licensed to Sell von Geoff Brandwood
Licensed to SellGeoff Brandwood
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London Heritage Pubs von Geoff Brandwood
London Heritage PubsGeoff Brandwood
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West London Pub Guide von Geoff Brandwood
West London Pub GuideGeoff Brandwood
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