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Bücher von George Heineman

George Heineman is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at WPI. He was the Program Chair for the 2005 International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering. Gary Pollice is a Professor of Practice at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He made the move in 2003 to the hallowed halls of academia where he has been corrupting the minds of the next generation of software developers with radical ideas like, "learn how to work as part of a team and it's okay to be a nerd as long as you are a great one." Gary is also a co-author of Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Stanley Selkow has been on the faculty at universities in Knoxville TN and Worcester MA, as well as Montreal, Chonqing, Lausanne and Paris for almost four decades. His major research is in graph theory and algorithm design.

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