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Bücher von Gregory Whyte (Director of Science and Research, English Institute of Sport, Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK)

Whyte is currently editing the ABC of Sports Medicine, 3rd Edition, BMJ Books, he publishes extensively in journals: British Journal of Sports Medicine, International Journal of Sports Medicine, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, Clinical Science, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, The Journal of Sport medicine and physical fitness, Journal of Strength training and conditioning research, European Journal of Applied Physiology, Scottish Medical Journal, Social Behaviour and Personality, Biological Rhythm Research Editor of over 5 books and book chapters, and over 50 peer reviewed scientific papers. Fellow of the European College of Sports Sciences; Fellow of the British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences; Chair 'Sports Nutrition Interest Group' - BASES; Committee member - Nutrition Society's 'Sports & Exercise Nutrition Working Party'