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Bücher von Harriet Hargrave

Harriet Hargrave is renowned for being one of the foremost experts in quiltmaking. In addition to authoring several quilting books, Harriet has designed fabric lines and developed new products for quilters.

When Sharyn walked into the door of her first quilting class in the fall of 1978, she had no idea how that simple action would change the rest of her life. She had always loved to sew and do crafts. In fact, she had been a Home Economics major in college, graduating with a degree in Clothing and Textiles. Just attending one quilting class made it clear what all that training had been leading up to. Today she teaches, lectures, and writes about her passion, quiltmaking, and has authored twelve previous books. She has also been a regular contributor to Traditional Quiltworks magazine, having originated the Design Challenge column.

Alex Anderson's love of quilting all began in 1978 when she completed her Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt as a part of her work towards her degree in art from San Francisco State University. Over the years, her central focus has been to understand fabric relationships and to develop an intense appreciation of traditional quilts and beautiful quilting surface design.

Alex is a founding partner of The Quilt Show.com and The Quilt Life Magazine (published by AQS) with Ricky Tims. The Quilt Show is the world's first full-service interactive online video/web TV programming created just for quilters. With over 120,000+ registered members in over 100 countries, The Quilt Show.com's mission is to educate, inspire, entertain, connect and grow the world quilting community in a fun, positive and interactive environment. The Quilt Life Magazine is a bimonthly magazine dedicated to celebrating the lifestyle of today's quiltmaker in a fresh and beautiful format.

Alex was also chosen by the readers of Quilter's Newsletter magazine (Feb 2009) as "The Most Influential Person in The Quilting Industry" (in a three-way tie with Ricky Tims and Karey Bresenhan of Quilts, Inc). Visit Alex on the web at www.alexandersonquilts.com and www.thequiltshow.com

Liz Aneloski learned to quilt in the 1980s when her daughters were very young. She has been an editor at C&T Publishing for a couple of decades, authored eight books, nurtured her marriage for 30 years (and counting), and watched her girls become amazing married women. She says, "What more could a person ask for?" Liz lives in California with her husband and Toby, a 14-pound four-legged ball of energy with a tail that never stops wagging.