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Bücher von Hassnaa Moustafa

Hassnaa Moustafa is a senior research engineer at France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs), Issy Les Moulineaux (France) since January 2005. She obtained her Tenure in Computer Science (HDR) in June 2010 from the University of Paris XI, her PhD in computer and networks from Telecom ParisTech in December 2004 and her master's in distributed systems in September 2001 from the University of Paris XI. Her research interests include mobile networks basically ad hoc networks and vehicular networks; mainly routing, security, authentication and access control are part of her research interests in these types of networks. Moreover, she is interested in NGN, IPTV, services' convergence and personalization. She is a regular member in the IETF and a member of the IEEE and IEEE ComSoc. Hassnaa manages a number of research projects at France Telecom and she has many publications in a number of international conferences including ICC, Globecom, PIMRC, VTC, Mobicom, and many others, and in a wide number of international journals. She edited books and coauthored a wide number of book chapters with the CRC Press. She also served in chairing and co-chairing activities in several international conferences and workshops and in co-editing several journals special issues. In addition, she served as a TPC member for a wide number of international conferences and workshops including IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, and several ACM conferences, and served as a peer reviewer for several international journals including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, Springer Telecommunication Systems Journal, Springer Annals of Telecommunications, Elsevier Computer Networks, and IEEE ComSoc. Sherali Zeadally

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