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Bücher von Ian Murray

Ian Murray was born to a cooper father and shop worker mother in August 1976. Brought up in the Wester Hailes area of Edinburgh, he went to Dumbryden primary school, then Wester Hailes Education Centre. At the age of 16, Murray began studying Social Policy and Law at Edinburgh University and graduated with an Honours degree at the age of 20. He worked to fund his studies with a part-time job in a local fish and chip shop, where he then set up and ran a pizza delivery service. After graduating in 1997, Murray worked in financial services before setting up an internet television station. He served as an Edinburgh councillor between 2003 and 2010 for the capital's Liberton and Gilmerton ward. Murray had a pivotal role in leading Hearts out of administration during his two years as chairman of the Foundation of Hearts from 2013-15. This foundation is a supporters group helping bring cashflow into the club by monthly donations. Murray has served in parliament as a Parliamentary Private Secretary and Shadow Business Minister. Currently, Murray is the MP for Edinburgh South.