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Bücher von Jason Payne-James (Barts and the London Medical and Dental School, London, UK)

Professor Jason Payne-James, LLM, MSc, FFFLM, FRCS, FRCP, FCSFS, RCPathME, FFCFM(RCPA), DFM, LBIPP, MediatorSpecialist in Forensic & Legal Medicine & Consultant Forensic Physician
Honorary Clinical Professor, William Harvey Research Institute Queen Mary University of London
Consultant Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine
Lead Medical Examiner, Norfolk & Norwich Hospital University NHS Trust, Norwich
Director, Forensic Health Services Ltd, Southminster, United Kingdom

Richard Jones, BSc(Hons), MBBS, PgCUTL, FRCPath, FHEA,
Clinical Senior Lecturer in Forensic Pathology
Wales Institute of Forensic Medicine
Cardiff University School of Medicine
College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff
Home Office-Registered Forensic Pathologist,
Honorary Consultant Forensic Pathologist Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff, United Kingdom

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