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Bücher von Jean-Marie Perouse De Montclos

Jean-Marie Perouse de Montclos (Doctor of Letters, Director of Research at CNRS, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) is the author of numerous scholarly books and articles on post-Renaissance architecture, notably Architecture a la Francaise (1982), in which he proposes a revisionist interpretation of classical French architecture. He has worked in close collaboration with the eminent art historian Andre Chastel and served as director of the national inventory of French artistic treasures (LInventaire general des Monuments et Richesses Artistiques de la France), established by Andre Malraux in the mid-1960s. His work Vocabulaire de l'Architecture has become a standard reference work on matters pertaining to the study and preservation of Frances architectural treasures. He is currently professor at the cole du Louvre and at the Centre d'Etudes Superieures d'Histoire et de Conservation des Monuments Historiques de Paris. Robert Polidori was born in Montreal, Canada, to a French Canadian mother and a Corsican father. He moved to the United States in 1961 when he was ten--years old and in 1969 settled in New York. From 1970 to 1972 he worked as an assistant to Jonas Mekas at the Anthology Film Archives in New York and for the next six years produced a number of avant-garde films. In 1979 he received an M.A. from the State University of New York at Buffalo and soon thereafter turned his attention to still photography. He has been living in Paris since 1987.