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Bücher von Jeff Grout

Jeff Grout is a respected adviser, commentator and columnist on the subjects of motivation, recruitment and retention. He is a regular speaker at conferences and events, specialising in topics such as Building high-performance teams and The characteristics of success. He is also business manager to Clive Woodward, the former England Rugby coach. Jeff is an experienced television and radio participant and has collaborated with the BBC in producing an interview training video. He has also run interview technique courses for a number of the UK's leading companies. Jeff is co-author of Mind Games, The Adventure Capitalists and My Brilliant Career, which insights into the characteristics of career success, based on public interviews with high achievers from the fields of sport, business media and the stage. Liz Fisher is a freelance journalist and writer, contributing regularly to many business and professional magazines. During her twenty years as a business journalist, she has interviewed leaders in a range of fields, from the RAF to the RSC. She is co-author of The Bluffer's Guide to Accountancy and author of Brand Identity in Retail Financial Services and a careers guide for young accountants.
Murder without Motive von Jeff Grout
Murder without MotiveJeff Grout
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Mind Games von Jeff Grout
Mind GamesJeff Grout
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Mind Games von Jeff Grout
Mind GamesJeff Grout
Wie Neu
Murder without Motive? von Jeff Grout
Murder without Motive?Jeff Grout
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What Do Leaders Really Do? von Jeff Grout
What Do Leaders Really Do?Jeff Grout
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