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Bücher von John C. Tibbetts

Author John C. Tibbetts: John C. Tibbetts is Associate Professor of Film at the University of Kansas, USA. His has published sixteen books and his articles on film, literature, painting, theatre, and music have appeared in Notes, Film Comment, Opera News, Historical Journal of Film, Radio, Television, Journal of Popular Film and Television, and Literature/Film Quarterly. He has previously worked as a broadcaster for National Public Radio, the Christian Science Monitor Radio Network, Voice of America, and CBS television. Both of his radio series, The World of Robert Schumann and Piano Portraits, have been heard worldwide on the WFMT broadcast network and National Public Radio. He was awarded the 2008 Kansas Governor's Arts in Education Award. Video and audio collections from his thirty years in broadcasting and education are currently being prepared for installation at the Performing Arts Library at Lincoln Center in 2012.

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