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Bücher von Jothy Rosenberg

About the Authors

Jonathan "Jothy" Rosenberg, Ph.D., Founder, CTO, and CEO, Service Integrity

Dr. Jothy Rosenberg is a serial entrepreneur. He is a founder, Director, CTO, and CEO of Service Integrity, a company providing XML Web services monitoring and analysis products for end-to-end real-time enterprise visibility including security and compliance visibility or "early warning." Prior to Service Integrity, Jothy co-founded GeoTrust, the world's second largest certificate authority and a major innovator in enterprise-managed security solutions. As the company's COO and CTO, Jothy led the company's product development initiatives, developing patents on a series of ground-breaking security products and deploying a secure Web service integrating GeoTrust's reseller partners into the SSL provisioning process. Previous to GeoTrust, Jothy served as CEO and CTO of Factpoint, Inc., a pioneer in the area of content certification and content management. With his Service Integrity co-founders, he also co-founded Webspective, which was later sold to Inktomi.

Before these multiple ventures, Jothy held various executive positions at Borland International where he was General Manager of the Enterprise Tools Division and overall Development VP for Languages, including Delphi, C++, and JBuilder products. Jothy holds a B.A. in Mathematics from Kalamazoo College and a Ph.D. in Computer Science on VLSI Design algorithms from Duke University. He is also the author of How Debuggers Work. Jothy holds patents on debugger watchpoint mechanisms, content certification and site identity assurance, as well as a pending security compliance monitoring patent.

David L. Remy, CISSP, Director of Product Engineering for Security, Web Services and XML on WebLogic Workshop, BEA

David Remy works at BEA Systems, Inc., where he is a Director of Product Engineering responsible for security, Web services, and XML for BEA's WebLogic Workshop product line. Prior to working with BEA, David was founder and Chief Architect for GeoTrust, Inc., a security company and now the second largest certificate authority in the world. David has worked in the software industry for more than 16 years, holding such positions as Chief Technology Officer at Netstock, Director of Technology at Corbis, Director of Architecture at PEMCO Financial, Advisory Systems Engineer at IBM, and several other contracting and software development roles.