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Bücher von Karli Watson

Karli Watson is an in house author for Wrox Press with a penchant for multicolored clothing. He started out with the intention of becoming a world famous nanotechnologist, so perhaps one day you might recognize his name as he receives a Nobel Prize. For now, though, Karli s computing interests include all things mobile, and upcoming technologies such as C#. He can often be found preaching about these technologies at conferences, as well as after hours in drinking establishments. Karli is also a snowboading enthusiast, and wishes he had a cat. Marco Bellinaso is a freelance software developer who lives in a small town close to Venice, Italy. He has been working with VB, C/C++ and other Microsoft tools for several years, specializing in User Interface, API, ActiveX/COM design and programming, and is now spending all his time on the .NET Framework with both C# and VB.NET. He is a team member of VB 2 The Max (www.vb2themax.com) for which he helps writing articles and commercial software. He is also a contributing editor for two Italian leading programming magazines: Computer Programming and Visual Basic Journal (VBPJ Italian licensee). You can reach him at [email protected]. Ollie Cornes has been working with the Internet and the Microsoft platform since the early 90 s. In 1999 he co founded a business to business Internet company and until recently was their Chief Technical Officer. Prior to that his various roles involved programming, technical authoring, network management, writing, leading development projects and consulting. He has worked with Demon Internet, Microsoft, Saab, Travelstore and Vodafone. Ollie holds a degree in computer science and is Microsoft certified. When he's not working he spends his time devouring books on human potential and practicing Chinese internal martial arts, meditation and healing. He also juggles fire and knives, but cannot yet ride a unicycle. David Espinosa is a Senior Programmer and owner of Espinosa Consulting. Born in Barcelona, Spain, David moved to the United States at an early age. He attended the University of Nevada and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. David concentrates on Microsoft technologies and tools. In 1999, he worked with Microsoft as a Lead Author for the Desktop Visual FoxPro Certification Exam. Recently, David has been focusing on E Commerce and data integration solutions and works for the a manufacturing company based out of Reno, Nevada. Zach Greenvoss, MCSD is a Senior Consultant with Magenic Technologies, a Microsoft Gold Certified consulting firm in Northern California. He specializes in middle tier architecture and implementation, utilizing various technologies including COM+, MSMQ, BizTalk, and XML. Before Magenic, Zach worked at the Defense Manpower Data Center in Monterey California, where he developed client server applications for the Department of Defense. Zach and his wife Amanda enjoy globetrotting, caving, gaming and playing with their two cats. He can be reached at [email protected]. Christian Nagel is working as a trainer and consultant for Global Knowledge, the largest independent information technology training provider. Having worked with PDP 11, VMS, and Unix platforms, he looks back on more than 15 years of experience in the field of software development. With his profound knowledge of Microsoft technologies he s certified as a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Solution Developer (MCSD), and Systems Engineer (MCSE) he enjoys teaching others programming and architecting distributed solutions. As founder of the now called .NET User Group Austria and as MSDN Regional Director he is speaker at European conferences (TechEd, VCDC), and more and more addressed by many developers. You can contact Christian via his web site at http://christian.nagel.net. Jacob Hammer Pedersen is a systems developer at ICL Invia a member of the Fujitsu Group. He pretty much started programming when he was able to spell the word basic , which, incidentally is the language he s primarily using today. He started programming the PC in the early 90s, using Pascal, but soon changed his focus to C++, which still holds his interest. In the mid 90s his focus changed again, this time to Visual Basic. In the summer of 2000 he discovered C# and has been happily exploring it ever since. Primarily working on the Microsoft platforms, other expertise includes MS Office development, COM, COM+ and Visual Basic.Net. Jon D. Reid is the Chief Technology Officer for Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. (www.mdbs.com), maker of the TITANIUMa Database Engine and GURUa Expert System tool. His primary current activity is developing database tools for the Microsoft.NET environment. He was editor for the C++ and Object Query Language (OQL) components of the Object Data Management Group (ODMG) standard, and has co authored other Wrox titles including ADO.NET Programmer s Reference and Professional SQL Server 2000 XML. When not working, writing, or bicycling, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two young sons. Jon would like to thank his family and the team at Wrox (especially Adrian, Julian, Avril, and Rob) for their support and encouragement. Mathew Reynolds After working with Wrox Press on a number of projects since 1999, Matthew is now an in house author for Wrox Press writing about and working with virtually all aspects of Microsoft.NET. He s also a regular contributor to Wrox s ASPToday, C#Today and Web Services Architect. He lives and works in North London and can be reached on [email protected]. Morgan Skinner started his computing career at a tender age on a ZX80 at school, where he was underwhelmed by some code his teacher had put together and decided that he could do better in assembly language. After getting hooked on Z80 (which he considers much better than 6502), he graduated through the schools ZX81 s to his own ZX Spectrum. Since then Morgan has used a variety of languages and platforms, including VAX Macro Assembler, Pascal, Modula2, Smalltalk, x86 assembly language, PowerBuilder, C/C++, Visual Basic, PL/SQL, TSQL, and currently C#. He s managed to stay in the same company for nearly 12 years, largely due to the diversity of his job and having a good working environment. Eric White is an independent consultant, specializing in managing offshore development with some hotshot developers in India. Having written well over a million lines of code, Eric has over 20 years experience in building Management Information Systems, accounting systems, and other types of fat client and n tier database applications. Eric has particular interest in Object Oriented design methodologies, including use case analysis, UML, and design patterns. After years of working with too many varieties of technologies to list, he is currently specializing in C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, XML, COM+, GDI+, SQL Server, and other Microsoft technologies.
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