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Bücher von Katherine S. Van Wormer

Katherine S. van Wormer, MSSW, PhD, is professor of social work at the University of Northern Iowa. Her PhD is in sociology from the University of Georgia. Uniquely in the 1960s, van Wormer participated in two civil rights movements-one in North Carolina and one in Northern Ireland, where she taught English for several years. In the late 1980s, she moved to Norway for two years to practice alcoholism counseling. Dr. van Wormer has authored or co-authored over 20 books and 60 articles. Among the recent books she has authored or co-authored are Death by Domestic Violence: Preventing the Murders and the Murder-Suicides (2009, Praeger); Working with Female Offenders: A Gender-Sensitive Approach, (2010, Wiley & Sons); two volumes of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Micro and Macro Levels, Second Edition (2011, Oxford University Press); and Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective, Third Edition (2012, Cengage). Her most recent books are Restorative Justice Today (2012, SAGE) and Women and the Criminal Justice System, Fourth Edition (2014, Pearson). Dr. van Wormer and her co-author have done numerous speaking engagements related to their 2012 book, The Maid Narratives: African American Domestic Workers and their Employers in the Jim Crow South (LSU Press). Rosemary J. Link, PhD, LISW received her undergraduate honors degree in modern history and politics with sociology from the University of Southampton and her postgraduate diploma in applied social studies from the University of London. After ten years as a school social worker then educational administrator, Dr. Link attended the University of Minnesota for her PhD in social work with a special interest in children's rights and social policy. Dr. Link served as a professor of social work and dean of graduate studies at Augsburg College where she assisted in building the MA in leadership and gaining the accreditation of the MSW and nursing programs. Dr. Link is currently associate vice president for Academic Affairs at Simpson College, Iowa where she is primarily responsible for building undergraduate and graduate programs for adult learners. In addition to administration, Dr. Link has chaired the Board of Southside Family Nurturing Center for six years (2003-2009) and she has ongoing research interest in children's wellbeing and human rights. She has served as external examiner to the University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica and the University of Bharathair, Coimbatore. Dr Link has published numerous articles related to child poverty, human rights and social development, plus five books, including: a study of child poverty together with Dr. Anthony Bibus, titled "When Children Pay"; a textbook in human behavior together with co-author Dr Chathapuram Ramanathan, titled All Our Futures; a curriculum design text together with Dr. Lynne Healy, Models of International Curriculum in Social Work; and co-editor of the Handbook for International Social Work and Human Rights. In 2005-2006, Dr. Link received a state department grant to serve as an educational ambassador in Slovenia, India, and Singapore.

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