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Bücher von Keith C. Herman

Keith C. Herman, PhD, is Associate Professor in counselling psychology at the University of Missouri, USA and Co-Director of the Missouri Prevention Center, USA. He is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). He presents nationally and has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles and chapters.

Wendy M. Reinke, PhD, is Assistant Professor in school psychology at the University of Missouri, USA and Co-Director of the Missouri Prevention Center, USA. She developed the Classroom Check-up, an assessment-based teacher consultation model. Her research focuses on the prevention of disruptive behaviour problems in children and increasing school-based implementation of evidence-based practices.

Andy Frey, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville, USA. He is the author of over 30 book chapters and peer-reviewed journal articles and serves on the editorial board of Children and Schools. His primary interest areas include positive behaviour support, social and emotional competence in preschoolers, early intervention, and the provision of school social work services.

Stephanie Shepard, PhD. is Assistant Professor with Brown University's School of Medicine, USA. Dr. Shepard has authored over 30 book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed publications and has trained a cadre of school professionals across the nation to use these methods to promote parent and staff involvement and motivation.

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