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Bücher von Keri Davies

Keri Davies has worked on The Archers, first as a producer and then senior producer, since 1992. He has directed more than 700 episodes, including the notorious raid on the village shop, a guest appearance by Britt Ekland and Roy Tucker's beating up by racist thugs, but he has also done his fair share of village fetes, lambing and "more coffee, Phil?"
Who's Who in "The Archers" von Keri Davies
Who's Who in "The Archers"Keri Davies
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Whos Who In The Archers 2010 von Keri Davies
Whos Who In The Archers 2010Keri Davies
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The Archers Who's Who von Keri Davies
The Archers Who's WhoKeri Davies
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Who's Who in the "Archers" von Keri Davies
Who's Who in the "Archers"Keri Davies
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