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Bücher von Kimberly A. Tessmer

Kimberly A. Tessmer, RD, LD, is a registered dietitian and freelance writer who currently owns and operates Nutrition Focus, a consulting company specializing in nutrition and weight management. She has authored numerous books and has written articles for several national magazines. Kim is a member of the American Dietetic Association and the ADA Practice Group "Nutrition Entrepreneurs." Kim resides in Cleveland, OH, with her husband Greg and daughter Tori. Meghan Beecher is a Project Coordinator in the Childhood Weight Control Clinical Research Study at the University of Buffalo, a two-year study funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health and run by Dr. Leonard Epstein, a leading expert in the field of childhood obesity. The study teaches obese children and their parents how to adopt a healthier lifestyle, which includes instruction about portion control, counting calories, and exercise. Prior to her involvement in the UB study, Meghan taught preschool and was also employed by the Montana Conservation Corps (a branch of Americorps), where she introduced adolescents to outdoor activities as a means of improving their lives. Because she is an avid runner, Meghan is well aware of the benefits of exercise and nutrition and was eager to find a career that would combine her love of children with her interest in health. When the UB study concludes, Meghan, a graduate of Xavier University with a BA in Social Work, plans on continuing in this field, educating children on the merits of a healthy lifestyle. Shelly Hagen is the co-author of Baby's First Year For Dummies and has also authored eight books in the bestselling Everything series, including The Everything Destination Weddings Book, The Everything Father of the Bride Book, and The Everything Body Language Book. As a freelance writer and editor, Ms. Hagen has also performed extensive ghostwriting and book editing work, and has written features for The Saratogian daily newspaper. She has a degree in Literature from SUNY Empire State and lives in Saratoga Springs, NY, with her husband, Mike, and three sons, Sam, Hal, and Nolan.