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Bücher von Lee Purcell

Lee Purcell is the director of Lightspeed Publishing LLC, a Vermont-based company that specializes in electronic publishing tools and techniques and provides technical communication for a wide variety of clients. As the author of eight books on emerging technologies?ranging from Internet audio to recordable CD and DVD?he primarily focuses his writing efforts on helping developers and users effectively take advantage of the most promising hardware and software tools in the electronic publishing field.

Purcell also writes the quarterly newsletter, CD-ROM Access, for Disc Makers, the largest independent disc replication service in the United States. In the course of authoring trade computer titles and producing articles on CD-ROM development, he routinely interviews many of the prominent designers, developers, inventors, and luminaries involved in the computer industry and rich media production, and he has earned a reputation for distilling difficult technical topics into clear, concise descriptions, so that they are accessible for readers with different levels of experience.

When not wrestling with beta software releases from computer companies, Purcell plays electric jazz bass, traverses the back roads of Vermont on a Ducati Monster, and works on completing a novel that has been slowly unfolding for the last 11 years. The novel, a ghost story set in and around Cape Ann, Massachusetts, is told from the point of view of the ghosts. He hopes to have it finished within the next year.

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