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Bücher von Lon Coley

How to UseDreamweaver (R) 4 and Fireworks (R) 4About the Author

Lon Coley ([email protected]) is an IT professional, specializing in Office and Internet applications.

Her company site athttp://www.ariadne-webdesign.co.ukholds far more information than we could put here and is updated as often astime allows.

Her experience and expertise means that as well as designing sites forclients, she now acts as a consultant and troubleshooter to companies of allsizes who are looking to improve and develop their Internet presence or who havesites that they feel don't do their organization justice.

A firm believer that anyone can build a Web site with the right tools andtraining, Lon often works with companies who want to develop their own Web sitesbut feel they need an expert "to call on" when they are struggling, orneed professional guidance about new technologies when developing their existingsites.

An experienced teacher and trainer, Lon writes and develops dedicatedcustomized training courses for business and education. These courses cover thewhole spectrum of her expertise and are always prepared with the individualclient in mind, thus guaranteeing that the needs of the client are addressed andmet in full.

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