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Bücher von Maci Bookout

Maci Bookout starred on the MTV reality TV show 16 and Pregnant and went on to become a fan favorite on the spin-off Teen Mom. Known for her down-to-earth Southern charm and level-headed personality, Maci has earned the respect of teens and adults alike with her courage under pressure and her mature reflections on teen pregnancy and motherhood. Maci has appeared on numerous talk shows and spoken to many educational groups on teen pregnancy prevention. She consistently receives praise from the audience for her candidness, down to earth personality, and refreshingly insightful commentary. Maci also makes personal appearances at marketing/promotional events, keynote speeches, colleges, TV shows, sporting events, and other unique spokesperson/appearance opportunities. In addition to being a public speaker, writer, and tv/radio host, Maci is a mom to three children and recently married Taylor McKinney.
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