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Bücher von Manuel Jimenez Raya

Manuel Jimenez Raya is Full Professor and Head of the English and German Department at the University of Granada, Spain. His main research interests are pedagogy for autonomy, experiential learning, modern language teacher education, and case pedagogy. He has published numerous articles and co-authored several books on FLT methodology and teacher education.

Jose Javier Martos Ramos is an Associate Professor of the German Department at the University of Seville, Spain. He teaches German linguistics at undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests include the relationship of students' attitudes towards autonomous foreign language learning, the use of educational applications and interactional linguistics.

Maria Giovanna Tassinari is Director of the Centre for Independent Language Learning at the Language Centre of the Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany. Her research interests include learner autonomy, language advising, affect in language learning and teaching, as well as formal and informal learning, on which she publishes frequently.

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