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Bücher von Marilyn Bakker

About the editor Marilyn Bakker has been monitoring plastics and packaging developments for ten years. As president of Technology Forecast since 1983, she has been deeply involved in packaging markets and technologies, with special emphasis on intermaterials competition among plastics, metal, and glass. Two major multiclient studies have been completed as part of the Current Issues in Packaging series. Earlier, she was director of Plastics Research at BCC, Inc., Stamford, CT, and affiliated with Sabre Associates, Inc., Norwalk, CT Author of "Engineering Plastics," Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd Edition. Editor of "Netherlands-American Trade," based in the United States and Holland. Education: BA, Bacteriology Indiana University, MS, Western Connecticut State College. Memberships: American Chemical Society. Society of Plastics Engineers. Society of the Plastics Industry. Chemical Marketing Research Association. Tappi. R&D Associates. Packaging Institute. Food Institute.

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