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Bücher von Michael Atavar

Michael Atavar is an artist and consultant with a practice that mixes creativity, business, art and psychology. He currently works with individuals and businesses, helping to solve professional problems, using creativity as a key. His books include How To Be An Artist, and most recently Better Magic - How To Have Creative Ideas in 24 Steps. Michael has written three other books about creativity covering the areas of process, individual practice, generating ideas and group dynamics.

In talks with high-profile authors for full text/contribution:

Sam Greenspan is a radio producer, reporter, and writer in Oakland, California. I am currently the managing producer of 99% Invisible, a radio show about architecture and design. Previously, I was a producer at NPR where, among other things, I helped launch the TED Radio Hour, and produced and reported for national & regional radio shows.

Roman Mars is the host and creator of 99% Invisible, a short radio show about design and architecture. With over 150 million downloads, the 99% Invisible podcast is one of the most popular podcasts in the world. Fast Company named him one of the 100 Most Creative People in 2013. He was a TED main stage speaker in 2015. It is currently the most popular TED Talk about design with nearly 4 million views. His crowd funding campaigns have raised over $2 million and he's the highest-funded journalist in Kickstarter history. He is also a co-founder of Radiotopia, a collective of ground-breaking independent podcasts.