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Bücher von Michael S. Neiberg

Michael S. Neilberg is Professor of History and co-director of the Center for the Study of War and Society at the University of Southern Mississippi. He is the author or editor of more than a dozen books, including his first book, Making Citizen-Soldiers: ROTC and the Ideology of American Military Service , published by Harvard University Press in 2000. He taught on the faculty of the United States Air Force Academy for eight years and focuses his work on the international dimensions of the First World War and warfare more generally. Among his most recent books are Fighting the Great War: A Global History (Harvard University Press) and a forthcoming study of the Second Battle of the Marne, to be published by Indiana University Press for its Twentieth Century Battles series.
Fighting the Great War von Michael S. Neiberg
Fighting the Great WarMichael S. Neiberg
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Dance of the Furies von Michael S. Neiberg
Dance of the FuriesMichael S. Neiberg
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