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Bücher von Michael Zee

SymmetryBreakfast is an online phenomenon that incorporates world cuisines, contemporary design and a story of love over the meal of breakfast. Featured in the Guardian, Washington Post, Telegraph and endorsed by Jamie Oliver, it is also a favourite account of Kevin Systrom, Instagram CEO and co-founder.

Michael studied photography at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth and later went on to teach Art and Design in secondary schools in London's East End. He then completed his masters in Museums and Galleries in Education and works in public programming at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

Michael's passion for cooking comes from his parents and his mixed English, Scottish and Chinese heritage. Weekends and school holidays would be spent working in his father's Chinese and English chippies in Liverpool and teaching himself to bake for his mother's sweet tooth.

Michael created SymmetryBreakfast for his partner Mark in their Hackney flat in 2013. Mark's hectic job as a menswear fashion designer means late nights and weekends in the office. Early on in their relationship, breakfast became a sacred moment in the day and Michael started on his mission to make each meal as celebratory as possible. Nearly 1,000 breakfasts later, Michael still wakes up early to make breakfast for Mark, looking carefully around the world and at home for inspiration, taking a simple idea and making it beautiful.

SymmetryBreakfast von Michael Zee
SymmetryBreakfastMichael Zee
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Zao Fan: Breakfast of China von Michael Zee
Zao Fan: Breakfast of ChinaMichael Zee
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Symmetrybreakfast von Michael Zee
SymmetrybreakfastMichael Zee
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