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Bücher von Neil Cogswell

After completing his education with the Royal Marines, Neil Cogswell joined the Research Department of ICI plc, for whom he worked for more than 30 years - making contributions in the fields of Polymer Rheology and Thermoplastic Composite Materials. Following retirement, Neil had the opportunity to indulge his interest in history - especially the military history of the 18th century. Translating the campaign journals of Horace St Paul - the first volume of which, Lobositz to Leuthen, was published in hardback by Helion & Company in 2017 - was supplemented by having the privilege of visiting the battlefields and other relevant sites in Austria, Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia in the company of historian Christopher Duffy. Neil has also collaborated in the preparation of an English-language edition of the monumental study by Artur Brabant of the Army of the Empire in the Seven Years War for LTR-Verlag.

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