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Bücher von Nigel McCreary

Nigel McCreary was a policeman but left to study History and went on to work for the BBC's drama department. Credits he lists are the award-winning All The King's Men and Silent Witness, both of which he wrote successful tie-in books to. Consultant Editor Barry Davies joined the Welsh Guards in 1962. He then joined the SAS and stayed for 18 years, during which time he was involved in skirmishes that covered the globe. He saw action in the Oman War, South-East Asia and South America, as well as closer to home in Northern Ireland. He played a key role in the Mogadishu Hijack, assisting the German government. He was awarded the British Empire Medal. Since leaving the forces, Davies has written many books, consulted for television and worked for, amongst others, antiterrorist equipment developers. He lives in Spain.
The Complete History of the SAS von Nigel McCreary
The Complete History of the SASNigel McCreary
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The Complete History of the SAS von Nigel McCreary
The Complete History of the SASNigel McCreary
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