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Bücher von P. G. Walsh

P.G. Walsh was Senior Research Fellow and Emeritus Professor of Humanity at the University of Glasgow, and a Latin scholar of international renown. His publications include Livy: His Historical Aims and Methods (1961) and The Roman Novel (1970); editions of Augustine, De bono coniugali and De sancta uirginitate (Oxford); and translations of Paulinus of Nola (Letters, Poems) and of Cassiodorus, Explanation of the Psalms (Ancient Christian Writers). He edited the first sixteen books of Augustine's De Civitate Dei, as well as Books XXXVI-XL of Livy's History for the Aris & Phillips Classical Texts series. Livy is a main source of Augustine in these books of The City of God.
Livy von P. G. Walsh
LivyP. G. Walsh
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