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Bücher von Professor Chris Johnson

CHRIS JOHNSON came to violin making through making guitars as a hobby. He attended Newark School of Violin Making and graduated with a distinction. Since then he has established a workshop in Leicestershire where he makes violins in modern and baroque forms, and exact copies of fine instruments. He also repairs and restores old instruments. Chris Johnson lives near Loughborough, Leicestershire with his wife and two sons. ROY COURTNALL is a luthier, writer and lecturer in musical instrument technology. After obtaining a BA Hons degree in sculpture from London University he went on to develop his instrument-making skills, establishing himself as a luthier. He has published a collection of plans of musical instruments, and is the author of Making Master Guitars also published by Hale. Roy Courtnall lives in Lincoln. ADRIAN LUCAS obtained a degree in architecture at Leeds Polytechnic in 1978. He has worked as a musician for many years and has also run his own architectural business. Most of his time is now occupied making and repairing guitars and teaching guitar making at an adult education class. He was the illustrator for Making Master Guitars by Roy Courtnall. Adrian Lucas lives in Lincoln with his wife and two daughters.
Arthur von Professor Chris Johnson
ArthurProfessor Chris Johnson