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Bücher von R. Paul Drake

Professor Drake works primarily in high-energy-density physics and its applications to astrophysics. High-energy-density physics studies the properties and behavior of matter and radiation at pressures of millions of atmospheres (or more) and temperatures above 10,000 degrees (or more). He is internationally recognized as a pioneer in this field. His work emphasizes the dynamic behavior of such systems, which also may be strongly radiative or magnetized. His team produces this kind of behavior in the laboratory, generally by driving a complex target with a high-energy laser. This lets the team directly examine processes that also occur in hot, dynamic astrophysical systems such as supernovae, supernova remnants, and cataclysmic variable stars. The processes they study are also relevant to Inertial Confinement Fusion, where some of his students continue their careers. Professor Drake is also known for work in laser-plasma interactions, and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

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