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Bücher von Richard Skrein

Richard Skrein can be found in the woods and on the coastlines of Europe and beyond, and is an experienced educational professional with a profound and enduring passion for outdoor education. A born Londoner with a wandering spirit, he loves nothing more than to learn new (and ancient) ways of connecting with the natural world, before sharing that knowledge with others. He believes deeply in the power of the outdoors to educate, nurture and inspire. Maria Nilsson is a freelance illustrator based in London. Her illustrations are heavily influenced by the natural world, exploring various tactile qualities of colour, pattern and texture. She is the illustrator behind 50 Things to Do with a Penknife, 40 Knots and How to Tie Them and Pittipat's Saucer of Moon.
Fifty Things to Do With a Stick von Richard Skrein
Fifty Things to Do With a StickRichard Skrein
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50 Things to Do in the Wild von Richard Skrein
50 Things to Do in the WildRichard Skrein
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Fifty Things to Do in the Snow von Richard Skrein
Fifty Things to Do in the SnowRichard Skrein
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