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Bücher von Ricki Nusser-Muller-Busch

Ricki Nusser-Muller-Busch, MSc, Speech and language therapist; (Neurorehabilitation). Licensed F.O.T.T. Instructor (F.O.T.T. (R), Kay Coombes); Senior Instructor for Manual Dysphagia Therapy; Bobath therapist. Freelance provision of therapeutic services and technical guidance in hospitals, nursing homes, and during home visits. Cooperation on clinical practice guidelines for palliative care, larynx carcinoma and oral cancer in Germany.

Karin Gampp Lehmann, Bsc, Physiotherapist Bsc, Physiotherapy Bahnhofplatz, Belp, Switzerland (www.physiobelp.ch), Swiss Diploma in Craniosacral Osteopathy. Freelance tutor, supervisor, and teacher of treatments for dysphagia (postgraduate centers, hospitals and rehabilitation centers in Switzerland, Germany and Austria). Development and tutoring of the concept of Structural Interrelations in Dysphagia Therapy. Qualified moderator of quality circles for dysphagia and for peripheral facial paresis/Bell's Palsy (www.fazialisparese.ch). Advanced training in dysphagia therapy (Jerilyn Logemann, Susan Langmore, Gudrun Bartholome, Kay Coombes), craniofacial therapy (Harry von Piekartz, www.crafta.org) and neurodynamics (Nora Kern, www.noigroup.com).

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