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Bücher von Sally Baker

About the Authors - Sally Baker and Liz Hogon began working together in 2003, organising and facilitating ground-breaking workshops on weight loss that explored the complex and multi-layered reasons for emotional over-eating. This experience was the basis for their first book - Achieve Your Natural Weight in 2011. Sally began her therapeutic training firstly in physical therapies working with women survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence. She trained in EFT and became an advanced level practitioner, followed by Clinical Hypnotherapy and later added the English modality, Percussive Suggestion Technique (PSTEC). She was awarded PSTEC Master Practitioner status in 2014. Liz has been in full-time practice since 2002, now in Melbourne, Australia. As well as hypnotherapy, she trained in EFT and became an advanced level practitioner, and later trained in PSTEC. She was awarded PSTEC Master Practitioner status in 2014. As a weight-loss specialist, she has, over the years helped thousands of men and women successfully clear their often debilitating, long term issues and achieve their natural weight.