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Bücher von Sharon Bennett Connolly

Sharon Bennett Connolly, has been fascinated by history her whole life. She has studied history academically and just for fun - and even worked as a tour guide at historical sites, including Conisbrough Castle. For Christmas 2014, her husband gave her a blog as a gift - www.historytheinterestingbits.com - and Sharon started researching and writing about the stories that have always fascinated. _Ladies of Magna Carta_ is her third non-fiction book. Her first book, _Heroines of the Medieval World_, was published in September 2017 and the second, _Silk and the Sword: The Women of the Norman Conquest_, was released in 2018\. Sharon gives talks on women's history and her TV work includes Australian television's _Who Do You Think You Are_?
Ladies of Magna Carta von Sharon Bennett Connolly
Ladies of Magna CartaSharon Bennett Connolly
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Ladies of Magna Carta von Sharon Bennett Connolly
Ladies of Magna CartaSharon Bennett Connolly
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Silk and the Sword von Sharon Bennett Connolly
Silk and the SwordSharon Bennett Connolly
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