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Bücher von Suzanne Van Atten

An experienced editor and travel writer, Suzanne Van Atten's travel writing has taken her to destinations throughout the United States, Mexico, South America, the Caribbean, and Europe. She has snorkeled a shipwreck in Aruba, gone ballroom dancing in Rio de Janeiro, barhopped in Barcelona, slept in a Jesuit monastery on the Amalfi coast, crewed a hot air balloon in New Mexico, gone white-water rafting in Tennessee, and gotten lost too many times to count. Suzanne is currently the arts and travel editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Amidst all these travels, the one place she always returns to is Puerto Rico, a place she fell in love with when she lived there for two years as a teenager. The rich Spanish culture, postcard-perfect beaches, lush tropical jungle, cobblestone streets, pastel colors, lively music, and the joie de vivre of its people colluded to seduce her. No matter how many times she returns, she always discovers something new and delightful to keep her coming back.