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Bücher von Tad Crawford

Tad Crawford, President and Publisher for Allworth Press in New York City, which he founded in 1989, studied economics at Tufts University, graduated from Columbia Law School, clerked on New York State's highest court, and represented many artists and arts organizations when he actively practiced as an attorney. He has authored more than a dozen books on business, including "The Secret Life of Money: How Money Can Be Food for the Soul." The legal affairs editor for " Communication Arts Magazine, " he has written articles for magazines such as "Art in America, Glamour, Harper's Bazaar, Lapis, The Nation, New Age Journal, and Self. "He has also appeared as a guest on television programs such as Fox on Money; The O'Reilly Report; Good Day, Wake Up; and It's Only Money as well as numerous radio shows including New York & Company. He lives in New York City.