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Bücher von Tarek Ahmed, PhD, PE (Consultant, Tarek Ahmed and Associates, Ltd., Spring, TX, USA)

Tarek is currently a Founder of Tarek Ahmed and Associates, Ltd, a consulting firm that specializes in in-house petroleum engineering courses and consulting services worldwide. Prior to that, he was a Reservoir Engineering Advisor for Anadarko, Baker Hughes, Gaffney, and Cline and Associates. He was also a Professor and head of the Petroleum Engineering Department at Montana Tech of the University of Montana for over 22 years. He earned his PhD from University of Oklahoma, his Masters from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and a BS from the Faculty of Petroleum in Egypt - all degrees in petroleum engineering. Dr. Ahmed has authored numerous papers and several successful Elsevier books, including Advanced Reservoir Engineering (2005) and Reservoir Engineering Handbook, 4th Edition (2010).

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