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Bücher von Tarek Amr

Tarek Amr achieved his postgraduate degree in data mining and machine learning from the University of East Anglia. He currently works as a data scientist in Amsterdam. He has more than 10 years experience in software development. Tarek participates in training data journalists and he works on promoting open data.

Rayna Stamboliyska is a trained scientist whose professional journey has shifted into data-driven innovation and strategy. She consults for international organizations, businesses, media and nonprofits and is a polylingual bookworm. She conducts risk and crisis management assessments using OSINT on a daily basis and frequently works in conflict and post-conflict zones in MENA, Eastern Europe and Africa. She is the founder of the first-ever action research and service consultancy around open knowledge in the MENA region and the curator of Data Colada, the only French-speaking weekly resource on data. Crunching data is an integral part of her existence, and so is data visualization. She frequently trains curious individuals about open data and data journalism.

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